MAY11TOMAY11 is (was?) 245 songs written and recorded at first every day and then mostly daily between may 11th 2015 and may 11th 2016. tracks are 90% 5 string electric bass either recorded DI into a crackling zoom h4n or unamplified into a cellphone (gratitude and blessings to the free trial of the Easy Voice Recorder app) with occassional rudimentary noodling on free synth VSTs and the public use ukelele at my then-girlfriend's house. shortest song is 26 seconds, longest is 174. lots of fast cuts, built in DAW effects, desk fan noise. weird self-imposed endurance training.

i kept my soundcloud pro account going for a few years for posterity, but i can't justify paying the bill anymore. below is a concatenated version in reverse chronological order, just how it was posted.

245not a musician anymore
244ball of your palm / pall on your balm
243in the city / muddle / gifs over guardania iii
242slash in a box / vcc data+ data- ground
241in core / in widow's peak / opener
240tuk tuk / hatsfield-jackson / ruined, call back anita
2391993 / 1995 / 1997
238feu / 1:2
237you seem to have forgotten so i'll spell it out for you / collar bone snakes
235fief / quadratic functions / glass lassi
234holding on to the railing / dos maze
233you've been busy with work / freewheel
232obsidian / moss and frogs
231the burn tool in photoshop / k y o
230can 2 / .jury but it was so so beautiful
229the burghers of calais / dogs are barking
228can 1 / I support sevilla too
227webcam is ENALBED / remoterfliers
226reception for ************ will be held in the courtyard / the end of a conversation
225northern uist / be-ip / trip, hey, trip
224focused jester / so proud of
223get gaun
222how to prepare rabbit
221runny food / couples
220quiet up there / thend
219nothing, really
218can / adding machine / taking it out on yourself
217antipasto / ouroboros
216mean in droves / feeds
215rose lamp / tascam 488 / listening to 'born into trouble' / being 18
214orbit / manhole covers, in front of The Gap and the Franklin Building were propelled into the air as
213ma i. northampton, massachusetts
212ma ii. hingham, massachusetts
211ma iii. amherst, massachusetts
210ma iv. springfield, massachusetts
209ma v. hadley, massachusetts
208ma vi. weymouth, massachusetts
207ED: REDACTED] / plankton lurching towards brooklyn
206varga / sticky floors
205food desert / cool and thoughtful after all
204for more information / wince / fas imile
203promotional usb drive / crocus
202proud nova / gifs over guardania ii
201greasy cardboard towers / pus / gnats
200mechanical feet / florist
199it doesn't bother me much
198sender / packet / seer
197closer / cannibal
196dried apples
195zooming in to concentric circles / sing
194side stitch / neon trainers
193slightly oversized orange t-short / the 100 emoji twice / rastr / grocr
192vitamin d, sleep
190gifs of swords spinning over the kingdom of guardania i
189can i borrow a sweater? do you have one with a hood
188pacecar / kirby's dream
187living in a snowglobe where the only thing that matters is playing music in odd time signatures
186putting away) dishes / take half / exhau
185stake, follow / omda / foreyae
18490s toyota / moment from the eyes
183seam / patch / bar / post / bow / bridge / board / neck / tail / crack / split / bend / seams
182dropper / house whiskey / lying hip abductions with resistance band
181did you / pre-not
180chocolate bodhisattva
179solid lights, blinking lights
178netherlands swamps / the invention of the windmill / mains ii
177underw / TAT-4
176a to micro-b / fault / predator, smogship
175commu / TAT-2
174subma / TAT-3
173datac / TAT-1
172wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall
1713d maze / wall
170phone friend / 12-15 TO 1-19 NEVER
169splash page / cunningham
168gatherer gatherer / tagine
167pioneer / tur
166a portly man sitting on the ground in a martian costume playing with dust on the edge of the moon
165permissions / why would you congratulate a 5 year old child actor
164reversed 001 render 001 reversed 001 / hain
163the entire day / muska / laughttery
162don't listen to your voicemail, your phone is for your convenience, not theirs
161guardian / curl
160os.system('cls') / os.system('clear') / inculpated / doubt
159slow running
158barefoot walking
157give me the hammer, steady the hammer, cock the hammer, watch at the hammer, follow the hammer
156populi / wingtips / explaining 9th appeal
154jar / rip / no button
153lee / layer / lazarus
152two desks next to each other
151two desks facing each other
150djury / weston / mop
149outside smoking
1485 safe / ouroboa
147putt putt / personal statement / forced octave radar static array method
146benazir / finish / i'm a little concerned that this song is so mediocore in light of how far behind
145extreme edition / wives of the Sovereign's younger sons / 2.58
144registered nurse / the Sovereign's daughters / 2.60
143day day / replacement
142merchant / saison
141willmot's retreat
140sudo fuck you / balm / swamp
139credits music / brined
138make it come back / creme brulee
137a mammal's chromebook
136when routine / whey protein
135sure, fine
134sprocket / dot hiss
132preamble, mac addr, packout ctrl field, payload, crc byte
131xrgbe1 / cold s'mores / loon / ica
130xrgbe2 / breakfast s'mores / cape
129cantina / ulmert / kurd
128meta fawn / """
127salt i / jule / julienne
126salt ii / strunk and white / checking account
125salt iii / mummified pirouette
124rebound / a stupid fuckin knight's helmet with a third eye drawn on the mouthpiece / email
123supporter / comer
122juniper / it in / comma
121camembert / elk eating / being interesting
120Thawed Frozen Lunch
119schellenger and atlantic
118if there's shade i can do it
117teetotum / katana
116almost a solid but actually a liquid
114days 365 for day every 1 song / days 365 in songs 365
113catatannonball / marcie
112to up / uneven butterfly membrane
111r / f / g
110product seven
109missing organisms / back / dry / spinal column / i have never seen an open weigh station
107mortar / plan
106annakj / .1 sec out of the pocket
104jig rod / there is an oscillating fan
103bug in the batter / mouse in the kitchen ft. Couch King Presents
102nglueism / gainfully
101anne or jenny or G
100a wraith passes to the other world... / 7v1 COMP STOMP NO BS FASTEST POSSIBLE
99noon analgesic / the 100 emoji
983 rings of fire protection / .84 miles / static bracelet
96how to tie a tie
95real life looks like cgi these days / can you use it in a sentence / homonym
94maple odonata
93incidental homosexuality
92to get to care
91own weight
90NOTHING besides piss in these
89b9d / ascii picture of a kakuna in a crib
88sub sub net
87can you hear me
86warm sick / magnato
85cosplay camo / punctured salt mine
83unreleased footage of a possum
81mulligan's island
80nascent reflector
79Am sus2 (no 3 no 5 no 1) / how the pyramids were built / glitchy gif of a silver man riding a bike i
78ressor bones / vh0
77try 3 days ago
76try yesterday's
75cleans / santanel / autumn
74bainbridge / that's better
73AC EB 6B 93 1F 83 FA 73 0F 85 000012040h: 90 00 00 00 48 8B 05 FD 0F
72hooke's rabbits
71send the pain below
70vegetabroil / (not that) caravan
69failed upload / strike 1 / why didn't anyone call the police
68the baud rate is too fast. yeah try like 9600
67bad cafeteria / needle pops / you'd think i'd be better at actual bass playing by now
66aquasalis amphibian
65face lines
64applying make up in link's mirror shield
63status bars will appear here once you've begun playing
62tastykakes cavities / breer
61meoreojiryeo / how am i supposed to start a revolution with a radical labor union if i'm unemployed
59Day 59
58jam band / pass the hacky sack
57fear the reaper / overturn / sip
56low / low vision / ultramarital
55current transformer / the end of the sea is a lake
54microwave transformer / clothing expiration date
53the myers-briggs type indicator is astrology for INTJs
52endless del monico potatoes / 18 / kaizen / shithead
51still life / life still / a spurned pico
50nice shot / nice try / the 100 emoji followed by the divide emoji 2
49flotation device / entering the 00s
48no car garage
47sponge dabbed clouds / meandering bullshit
46midi fusion guitar / actual care / championship verb
45involved / 18 shots of tea arrange in 2 3x3 squares
44F-rim binkey / on ass
43shaddow puppets / raised barns on fairmont
42tripod screw / tempest / bowowowowow
41on blocks, in mud, in rain, on jupiter, in vacuum, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera / anyway
40marksperson / run
394 ft. scorpion / baskets
38this is who i am / gyst / upside down foothold gala
37contiguous points / nothing comes to mind
36solve resolve / kitchen is burning
35changing handedness
34tetris wave / south college
33moksha latte
32the whole thing / webassign
31diamond bowling balls / this is ok
30V. Romanowski de Boncza's 1937 jack of hearts' facial expression
29ball bearings / buckminsterfullerene
28Marigold Bevy / fribble
27Student Run Organization / Standing Room Only / tal
26actual anniversary / coffee cup seam / victor
25mark unmark / geniter
24drunk or latency / We Do Difficult Adjustments
23fast / pico / black sheep wall
22northampton state mental hospital closing: everyone must go
212 thirds to rapture / lost
20move / couch
19startcraft 64 / voice maudlinator
18A U T O A d j u s t . / cannonball
17eho-dan eho-kun eho-lul
16anxious vista
15easy living / 684
14to die is gain / double hula hoops / omar shut the fuck up
13peter pan bus's bus naming convention creator / a tractor's creep gear transmission
12off / spout / press / trail
11gucci - Google Search / i thought you were going to take this seriously
10pride / uneven unfrost
9ipecac bath / a small DC bias of serotonin for the rest of your life / the first color photograph
7cheater / arbitrary threshold / bitter chartreuse
6shunt stubble / i hope you didn't inherit that
5briquette / khao soi / the easy part
4church-like building
3anniversary / loudness warrior / BLE
2build the waste cities / return n;}}
1ganot / craning next to the shrub outside 63 hawley st